Pizza is my thing

So, living outside Portland, Oregon, as you know if you’ve read my book, there are all sorts of choices for food ranging from vegan homemade style biscuits at a food cart, to more traditional sit-down restaurants in the city. There are Southern BBQ ribs, Middle Eastern Baba ghanoush spots, high end Italian, and newer fusion style foods among a plethora of options. So, recently, when there were five places listed in a recent article as the best pizza places for 2024, I noted I had visited none-of-them. I decided to remedy the situation by visiting Hapa Pizza and The Turning Peel in the same week. I opted for the Pineapple Red Curry Pizza at Hapa, and the double mushroom at The Turning Peel. I loved the Asian fusion style of the curry, but I must confess, fresh pineapple over canned squares would have greatly enhanced the zip of the red curry flavor. Still, an excellent pizza overall. The morel pizza at Peel was very tasty, but I will say, double mushroom was just a bit too much mushroom and an alternate flavor might have enhanced that choice. Both spots had a rather pleasant atmosphere, and that is one of the reasons I love going out for pizza and trying new places. Who doesn’t love pizza, and trying a new twist on an old formula?


The Art of Frost


Prepare to get Wicked