Fall Makes A Comeback

Last Fall was a bit disappointing. The Oregon rains had begun in mid-September and didn’t let up until the following June. The normal long walks below dropping leaves, sipping spiced cider, or getting up early to watch the sun dance with Mount Hood at sunrise. So, I was thrilled this year to have a bumper crop of pumpkins, cucumbers, and assorted other newbies as we headed into Fall. The birds have begun their drift southward, filling the farm with temporary visitors singing songs of a successful summer. Fortunately, we skipped the oppressive heat dome that sent temperatures to a blistering 116 degrees last spring. So, for now, I am content picking a few ripe Asian pears, sitting on the front porch watching Mount Hood fade into the night, and enjoying the last of our roses.

Asian pears reach their picking point


Beer with the Best of Intentions


A Late Boomer